Pauly's Perspective


Pauly's Perspective​

Messages from CPOC President Deborah Pauly, Esq.​

Deb Pauly's Blog​

CPOC Endorses Max Ukoipina for California’s 47th Congressional District

Greetings my fellow patriots,

On the heals of the announced endorsement by Trump’s former Intel Director, many local voters are taking a second look at Max Ukropina for Congress in California’s 47th District.

It is imperative that Orange County send reliable America First Patriots to Washington D.C. to support the Trump agenda. To name names specifically, Max’s chief opponents David Min and Scott Baugh would work counter to restoring our country. Min’s and Baugh’s past political shenanigans have been very damaging to freedom and the patriot movement.

Please, forward this to share CPOC’s formal announcement with your fellow concerned citizens. The time is now. It’s now or never that we Take Back our Country, starting right here in our own back yards.

Deb Pauly

Deb Pauly is President of CPOC