CPOC in the news
CPOC’s LowDown HoeDown is featured in this Epoch Times report on John Eastman.
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Thursday, January 16 | 5:30 PM
Monday, January 20 | 5:30 PM
Greetings my fellow patriots,
We had some unusual technical difficulty during the meeting where my laptop was suddenly unable to log into Elks Lodge WiFi.
So, we were denied the live premiere launch of CPOC’s Legal Action Committee, which was a full year in the making.
No matter — Here it is: The LEX REX Report with Alexander Haberbush.
Please view it and disseminate far and wide. Post it on social media outlets, too.
Greetings my fellow patriots –
If you missed Thursday’s meeting you missed a very dynamic, fast-paced time of great camaraderie, exchange of information and infusion of YOUTH!
See the meeting recap below.
Legal Update with attorney Alexander Haberbush, president of The LEX REX INSTITUTE
CPOC’s LowDown HoeDown is featured in this Epoch Times report on John Eastman.
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Learn more about how you can get involved with CPOC.
Connecting and Serving the Conservative, Liberty-minded Community in Orange County, California
Limited government,
Local control,
Sound fiscal management,
The free market
Holding elected officials accountable.
The Conservative Patriots of Orange County sponsor educational programs and activities to support conservative principles and candidates in all elections. We believe that the Constitution of the United States guarantees the inherent rights of “we the people” by limiting the power of government.
Connecting and Serving the Conservative, Liberty-minded Community in Orange County, California
Limited government,
Local control,
Sound fiscal management,
The free market
Holding elected officials accountable.
The Conservative Patriots of Orange County sponsor educational programs and activities to support conservative principles and candidates in all elections. We believe that the Constitution of the United States guarantees the inherent rights of “we the people” by limiting the power of government.
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How do you want to help?
Address: P.O. Box 6373, Orange CA 92863