


Thursday, January 16 | 5:30 PM

How OC Lost 3 Congressional Seats & How We Can Fix It

Monday, January 20 | 5:30 PM

The OC DeploraBall 2.0: A Garbage Gala

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Finance Director Carol Bowen, 1070 S. Via DeRosa, Anaheim Hills CA 92807.
Contact if you have any questions about payment. 

Previous Speakers:

	Russ Neal
Russ NealCalifornia Republican Assembly Member & Local Activist
Steve Baric
Steve BaricFormer Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party
Celeste Greig
Celeste GreigFormer President of the California Republican Assembly
Honorable Bruce Whitacker
Honorable Bruce WhitackerMayor of Fullerton
Rachel Hamm
Rachel HammCandidate for CA Secretary of State
Dr. Stefan Bean
Dr. Stefan BeanCandidate for Superintendant of OC Board of Education
Eric Early
Eric EarlyCandidate for CA Attorney General
Peggy Hall
Peggy HallThe Healthy American
Gina Gleason
Gina GleasonExecutive Director of Faith and Public Policy Advisor to Chapel Chino Hills Pastor Jack Hibbs
Don Dix
Don DixChairman of the Republican Party of Riverside County The only sizable county to deliver for the recall special election last November
Mark Ang
Mark AngFreelance Journalist