Pauly's Perspective


Pauly's Perspective​

Messages from CPOC President Deborah Pauly, Esq.​

Deb Pauly's Blog​

CPOC expands by naming Election Integrity Committee to Board
Message from CPOC President Deborah Pauly, J.D.

The Conservative Patriots of Orange County (CPOC) enjoyed an incredibly dynamic and fast-paced meeting in February. The Healthy American, Peggy Hall, attracted a lot interest and she did not disappoint. Her uplifting message encouraged the patriot-activist community to stay strong and continue standing up for freedom and liberty during these trying times. Peggy Hall speaks our language. You can view part of her talk on our website under The Cal Report. (More on that below.) After the meeting, Peggy and her husband decided to join our action-oriented group. We are honored.

We also had updates on the two initiatives CPOC has been working since early December. Bob Walters, OC Chairman for the School Choice Initiative told us that the committee is moving full steam ahead, aiming for the November 2022 ballot. Laura Thomas, the CPOC liaison to the Our Neighborhood Voices initiative has informed us that they have suspended the efforts to overturn SB9 this election cycle.

CPOC had a very pleasant last-minute addition to our line-up when Susan Shelley from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer’s Association briefed about the effort to overturn The Death Tax that was hidden in details of Prop 19, which was passed by the voters in November 2020. I personally spoke in strong opposition to Prop 19 during that election cycle for just this reason. However, we had “leaders” in the Republican Party, who strongly supported Prop 19 and tricked many property-owning taxpayers. Learn about efforts to fix that mistake at

CPOC has take a formal position opposing SB 866, which would amend California’s Family Code to allow children under the age of legal consent (12 to 18-years-old) to be vaccinated without parental knowledge or consent. We continue to monitor this bill, which was introduced January 20 by Democrat State Senator Weiner. Rule 55 was suspended, so it does not have to be in print for 30-days before action can be taken and it has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

This month we are focusing on the law. Whom do we elect to interpret it and enforce it in our court? We have invited every candidate for judge in contested seats for Orange County Superior Court. So far, we have 7 confirmed candidates for judge who will present. Whether they attend or not, we will have a full list of candidates available for attendees to make notes. If you know of a candidate who should be included, have him or her contact us. Our confirmed featured speaker is Eric Early, who is running for California Attorney General, the top prosecutor in the state.

CPOC has established an Election Integrity Committee (EIC) composed of a core group of three men, who chose amongst themselves to elect James Peters as the chairman. As EIC Chairman, we welcome James to our Board of Directors. The April meeting will be all about election integrity. Our EIC will monitor the Orange County Board of Supervisors as they prepare to appoint a new Registrar of Voters, under the advice of County CEO Frank Kim. The current Registrar Neal Kelley, who has served in that position for nearly 18-years, announced his plan to retire effect this month and under the cloud of questions concerning election integrity in The OC. Interesting timing.

Also in April, we will welcome confirmed speaker Dr. Stefan Bean, who is running to become the new superintendent of Orange County Board of Education. He’s taking on the incumbent and, from where I stand, that challenge is long-overdue.

Please, visit our website. We’ve added three new links: 1) Pauly’s Perspective, The President’s Blog; 2) The Cal Report by James Wallace in association with CPOC; and 3) a link to writings From the Desk of Robin Itzler, who the California Federation of Republican Women tried to unceremoniously oust from the organization without any hearing, by the way, for having the audacity to speak her mind. Finally, we have added a DONATE button. We want to keep our meetings affordable and our programs vibrant. With your help, we can do that. Visit

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet on St. Patrick’s Day, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Deb Pauly

Deb Pauly is President of CPOC