Pauly's Perspective


Pauly's Perspective​

Messages from CPOC President Deborah Pauly, Esq.​

Deb Pauly's Blog​

President’s Message December 2022

Your Holiday “Down Time” Signals a Good Time for Dirty Dealings to Big Brother

There is no rest for the weary, my fellow patriots. When God-fearing, peace-loving citizens, like you and me, turn our thoughts toward the holiday season, the evil doers and government manipulators go into hyperdrive. They know our attentions will be diverted.

I’ve watched this occur repeatedly and at all levels of government. Highly controversial policies are pushed through, new outrageous public employ contracts are negotiated (sometimes even to be effective retroactively!) and other “public service” contracts are renewed or extended. This year is no different…except more people are paying attention, so government has had to be more slippery.

Cases in point: recent and pending actions by our “Republican-controlled” Orange County Board of Supervisors. The Nov 29, 2022 Board of Supervisors meeting contained two items of interest under the Health Care Agency. Item #34 which was “to approve continuation of local emergency…related to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)” and Item #40 to “approve a contract with Composite Apps, Inc. for disease control and prevention health technologies enabled solutions.”

Vaccine Passport Revived

You’ll all remember that the first step in locking down the state, the economy, our businesses and our families all started with the declaration of a health “emergency,” so the concerns there are fairly obvious, but the Composite Apps contract sounds pretty innocuous. What is that? That’s the Vaccine Passport for Orange County. That’s right, folks. Show me your papers or you will be prohibited from participating. You can read about it and the supporting documents at this link:

According to the staff report, if the Board buys in, “This Contract will be 100 percent Federally funded through July 31, 2024, by the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Coronavirus Response and Relief grant. HCA will re-evaluate funding and absorb costs after July 31, 2024, based on funding available at that time.”

There is no such thing as free money from the federal government. It comes with strings attached. In the case of a Vaccine Passport, the strings are very dangerous and very long. (You’ll remember CPOC’s angst over Young Kim supporting the Federal Vaccine Database. It’s all part of the same program and is necessary for globalist population control and social credit system. Think China and the Communist Party because that is the source.)

Concerned citizens arrived to express their grievances. The meeting became very raucous during Item #34 discussion and later it was discovered that Clayton Chau, Health Care Agency Director, made a request to continue item #40 to December 6. No discussion. No explanation. Now, on the December 6 agenda, there is a deletion request from Chau for item #14. Do we trust that?

It is imperative that citizens show up at the December 6 meeting.

Look for details coming soon! I urge you to view the meeting. Pay attention to agenda Item #34, Item #49 and later the general Public Comments.

Feckless Party Leadership Fred Whitaker is Chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County. As such, he is CEO. I call him Feckless Fred. I’ve called him that for years and he knows it. I call him feckless because he is feeble, futile and lacking initiative for the task at hand. However, he is excelling at using this position to feather his own nest.

It is preposterous, that the party CEO is pounding his chest over all the great “successes” that the Republican Party achieved this past election cycle. He has started lobbying and campaigning to remain chairman of the Orange County Republican Party, as new leadership is to be elected January 16, 2023. He’s shameless.

Here are some of the great achievements we have seen in Orange County under the leadership of Feckless Fred:
November 8, 2016 – Orange County votes Hillary Clinton, the first time The OC has voted for a Democrat in for president in 80 years! Why? Never-Trumpers at the helm gave a nod and wink and refused to encourage the party faithful to support our nominee, but instead bought into and echoed the national anti-Trump narrative of the mainstream media.
November 6, 2018 – All congressional races go Democrat. We lose every single Congressional seat. Why? Because there was wide scale ballot tampering with the mail ballot system. Irregularities were occurring everywhere. Many voters and political insiders were alarmed. These irregularities were reported to Feckless Fred. His response? “There is nothing we can do about it.” What?
August 6, 2019 – Orange County becomes a Democrat County as there are now officially more registered Democrats than Republicans. Why? Because little or no attention was given to old-school retail politics, canvasing and going door-to-door, setting up registration and information tables throughout the county. There is no precinct operation of any kind. Many Republicans left the party and reregistered No Party Preference or went independent, not because of Donald Trump as the entrenched RINO swamp likes to claim, but because the party has broken faith with the base. In street vernacular, traditional Republicans are pissed off.
March 9, 2021 – Lost the 2nd Supervisorial District seat on the Orange County Board of Supervisors in the special election. Why? It’s not because of vote splitting and the sour grapes of career politicians who want to blame independent thinkers. It’s because of the behind the scenes manipulations and the blind ambitions of Michelle and Shawn Steel, who left that seat vacant without a care as she moved on to bigger and better things for herself. The Steels actively worked to discourage the one person who could have won that seat. The Steels did nothing to help a potential Republican successor. They left Orange County in the lurch.
November 14, 2021 – Orange County fails to deliver on the recall of Gavin Newsom. Party leaders could note even muster a 50% YES vote. Yes, Fred was more than happy to use Larry Elder, who was wildly popular with the base, to raise funds at the annual Flag Day Dinner in June 2021. It was incredibly selfish to divert Larry’s attention from campaigning and raising funds for his own campaign. Mr. Elder is an honorable man, who has interfaced with and been embraced by the grassroots for many, many years. He’s the only thing that gave this ill-fated recall any life. The entrenched party apparatus could have embraced him at any time during the previous 20 years.
November 8, 2022 – Democrats become majority on the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Orange County Republicans lose another Assemblyman. Why? Because the only thing that matters to the Steels is Michelle’s seat in Congress. The only thing that matters to Fred is pleasing the Steels. Here’s the sad truth: Given the actions of the “Republican board majority,” it is likely we will not even be able to tell any difference once the Democrats are in the driver’s seat.
November 29, 2022 – As of this date, there are 80,541 more registered Democrats than Republicans in Orange County. Why? Apathy and the official party turning a blind eye to the liberal voting records of our own elected Republicans.

Any CEO with this record of failure would have been fired over 4-years ago. Many concerned conservatives want to know how Fred can be replaced and who might be positioned to do it. Here are some facts that you need to understand. Only elected or appointed members currently sitting on the Central Committee may run for or be considered for executive board positions like Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

There will not be another election for Central Committee until March 23, 2024. Shortly after Prop 14, which gave us the Top Two Jungle Primary, passed in 2010, the party leadership, under then-Chairman Scott Baugh elected to move Central Committee races to a once every 4-year term, instead of a once every 2-year term as it always had been. So, the only bench from which to recruit a new and more effective Chairman would be from among those already on the committee. Unfortunately, those best qualified to lead are 100% on-board with the current leadership, such as it is. Fred is a very nice person and he does favors for all the right people.

Our work now and through 2023 is all about 2024!
Be part of the solution.

Note: Thank you to Jon Paul White for assembling the timeline for this article.

Deb Pauly

Deb Pauly is President of CPOC