Pauly's Perspective


Pauly's Perspective​

Messages from CPOC President Deborah Pauly, Esq.​

Deb Pauly's Blog​

Welcome to New Member Peggy Hall

CPOC is honored to welcome Peggy Hall among our newest members. She and her husband, Pastor David, decided to join after our dynamic February meeting. Peggy was our keynote speaker and she did not disappoint. She reminds us that we can choose to be Healthy Americans. To my way of thinking that means being mentally, emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually healthy. endeavors to feed all of those facets of the person.

Peggy is The Healthy American. I highly recommend her website for sources and information for how to breathe liberty back into our lives. See

Deb Pauly

Deb Pauly is President of CPOC